Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Puppy Mistakes Owners Commonly Make

Don't Expect to Much.
After the first few weeks of sleepless nights and constant potty accidents you're wondering what you got yourself into...

It's very normal for puppies to cry, wine and take regular potty breaks. After the first few weeks of being surrounded by their family, siblings and mom, being taken away from their home is scary. If I were taken away from my home, I would cry too! But this phase does not last long nor does the puppy phase so enjoy and loath it while you still can.

Reinforce Positive Behavior

Know your limits on what you can tolerate and don't reinforce bad behavior. Potting on the carpet and nipping are no-no's. These habits are easiest kicked when in the puppy stages. Start working on basic leash training and commands.

Insufficient Socializing

I see this many times a day when I walk my dog, Teddy. It's easy to spot an un-socialized dog because Teddy spots it first. Dogs are social creatures, they need other interaction from their own kind. Again, if I were not allowed to talk to other humans, I would have a miserable life. Take your dog to the dog park down the street. Set up play dates with your neighbors. If you live in Frisco, call me and set up a play date, Teddy is good with puppies.

To read more Puppy Mistakes visit the original article.

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