Wednesday, October 26, 2011

2012 Dog New Years Resolution

Have you made your New Years resolution this year? How about a new years resolution for your furry friends? Here are five new years resolutions that can help your pets live a long, healthy and happy life.

(1) Lose Weight

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, more than 50% of all household dogs and cats in the US are overweight. Even when a pet is just a little overweight, the added lbs. can have a dramatic impact on a pet’s quality of life. A long term study conducted by pet food manufacturer, Purina, demonstrated that lean dogs live almost two years longer than dogs that are overweight and lead a sedentary life. In addition, the extra pounds results in 80% higher incidence of painful arthritis. “Spoiling” your pet with treats and table scraps may seem like an act of love but why not make the resolution in 2012 to spoil your pets with exercise and attention. It will get you up and moving and your pets will thank you for it. If you are stretched for time, hire a local pet sitter or dog walker to get your pets up and out of the house.

(2) Pearly Whites

Periodontal disease is the most common condition in household pets. More than 80% of pets over three years of age have some degree of the condition. Inflammation of the oral tissues is caused by the accumulation of plaque and tartar from bacteria in the mouth. Some studies suggest that regular dental care can add two to five years to the life of a pet.

(3) Regular Check-ups

Is your pet up to date with his vet check ups? If not, January is a great time of year to get your pet's annual check-up, routine screening tests, and important vaccinations taken care of.

(4) Control Parasites

Keeping your pets on monthly prevention for heartworm, intestinal worms, and external parasites will help them stay healthy and happy. Look into heartguard or Frontline for your pet, if you do not already.

(5) Improve Nutrition

Have you discussed your pet’s food and treats with your Frisco veterinarian? Every year nutritional research helps advance the quality of pet food available. A good quality ration can reduce the risk of disease. Softer, shinier coats, cleaner teeth, and healthier joints are just a few of the benefits of optimum nutrition. Better nutrition, as with humans, will make your pet feel better and give them more energy to take care of the #1 resolution.

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