Monday, October 17, 2011

Walk Your Dog

Reasons Why You Should Walk Your Dog 

A wise man once said that to err is human, to forgive canine. Our dog’s (or dogs) loyalty should not be taken for granted though because we also have to give that loyalty back along with lots of long walks and a few treats here and there. 

Many dog owners do not understand why they have to walk their dogs so we have laid out a few reasons why this is important.

Bored Dog = Bad Dog
Dogs should be taken for walks because they have lots of energy. More often than not, dogs who do not get to use this energy just keep on barking, run around the house and keep biting on stuff such as shoes, the carpet or furniture. Destructive behavior among pups or adult dogs for that matter is not natural.

Training And Determining Who Is In Control
Walking helps a dog owner to train his or her dog because it is easier for a dog to concentrate and be more submissive when his or her energy is drained. Some breeds of dogs are downright bossy. A Jack Russel Terrier for example may start walking you instead of you walking him so be sure to establish who’s boss to instill discipline. This is not to say that you should spank your dog though.

Roaming Instincts, A Basic Instinct
Dogs love to roam around and explore –this is a basic instinct for them. In fact, they can roam for miles. Fulfilling these needs will also prevent your beloved pup to run away. There have been many a cases of runaway dogs because they are not walked regularly.

Dog Is A Social Animal
Alright, Aristotle was talking about humans in his philosophical work “Politics” but socialization is also true in dogs. This helps dogs build their confidence and their social skills.

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