Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dog Allergies Worse in 2012

How do you know you dog have allergies? 

With the weather changing dramatically, allergies are worsening, especially for your pets. If your pup is like mine, itching, scratching and biting is never-ending.  How do you determine what is normal doggy itching or when it’s seriously allergens that are causing him/her to itch?
If you spot the following a serious allergy issues, please consult your trusted vet:
  1.        Sores-These open lesions may become infected and can be hard to catch under fur.
  2.    . Bleeding-Pups will itch until they bleed and can become infected
  3.      Wheezing-caused by an inhalant outside or inside your home.
  4.      Eye and Nose Discharge
  5.        Severe reaction is vomiting and diarrhea please consult vet immediately.

One common condition for the shih-tzu breed is Atopic Dermatitis, shih-tzu’s will excessively like their paws, genitals and between toes and paws. Treatment involves hyposensitizing vaccines that are identified using allergen testing but many cases can be treated simply with essential fatty acids or fish oil capsules and Benadryl tablets. 

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