Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What dog breed is right for you? Take the quiz!

Are you looking into getting a dog, just don’t know what breed will fit you and your family’s lifestyle. Here is a quiz you can take to help you decide. This quiz displays the results soon after you submit. The tests asked the obvious; size, hair, grooming, barking and energy level. The test also throws in “do you want to take your do hunting?”. I took the test and my results are as follows: http://selectsmart.com/DOG/

Mixed breed 100%. Obviously, I wouldn’t pay for a full breed. I don’t have that kind of money, even though some mixed breeds are more expensive now! Manchester Terrier. Sorta cute actually. The description shows they are very intelligent and playful. The Manchester looks very, very hyper! Might need to reconsider this pick.
My last pick by the quick is a miniature poodle. I really love poodles, they are allergy and shed free. The maintenance on poodles are very burdensome.  They  need to be brushed each day or knots and matts will form. A little to high maintenance for me!
Take the quiz and see where it takes you. Please consult your trusted vet to see if this breed would be a good fit for you and your family!

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