Monday, December 5, 2011

Why 2012 is a Perfect Time to get a Family Dog

The Puppy Battles

If your parents you've gone through the moaning and groaning of your kids wanting a puppy. Each year around the holidays and birthdays it gets worse. You have the same discussion over and over. Who's going to take care of the dog? Are you kids going to pay for all of its shots. It's now time to bite the bullet because the following are reasons you should get the family dog this Christmas.

Start Planning Now

I'm not saying run out and buy a dog and SURPRISE, put it under the tree. Start planning now for your new addition, start doing research and determine the size and breed your family can support. Sit down with your kids and plan out a puppy schedule and be firm on the expectations. Find your local veterinarians (Frisco, Texas area) and research reviews and prices online. Your future vet will give you advice on what breed of dog will be happiest in your living space. They will also go over shot requirements and timeline, keep in mind the first year is the heaviest on shots and each 6 months to 1 year for each year after.

Pet Shelters

Go online and scope out the local pet shelter even if your first thought was not to adopt. Many pets deserve a loving home for Christmas so don't cross this off your list completely. Getting a dog from a shelter will give your family and children a sense of pride when they tell their friends... "We rescued Fido from a cold and lonely shelter". All shelters are require to spay and neuter, most automatically give the dogs the proper shot requirements and you can adopt a dog with all for a fraction of the price (around $110-150) it would cost for a vet.

The Family Plan

A dog DOES teach kids a sense of responsibility and team work in the family. There's often the "honey moon" stage of getting a dog and the parents are left taking care of the dog after the kids have grown accustomed. This is why it's important to stay diligent on the care of the animal. A healthy habit will form after a few weeks of struggling and then the family will form a solid routine.

Dog walks: Good for Dogs, Great for Humans

Like many of us know, exercise is mandatory for a dog to prevent unruly behavior. This can also shed many pounds from a sedimentary family. Make walking the dog and the family and mandatory part of the doggie care routine and you'll have a healthy dog and less medical bills for the family.

So now you can see, getting a puppy for Christmas isn't a bad idea after all. I have had my puppy, Teddy, since he was 6 weeks and Teddy has been my best friend and biggest fan since. From moving 5 times in the last year and constant road trips, he is a trooper and the best decision I ever made.  Start your proper research and preparation now and see your new puppy be a great companion for you and the family!

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